On the 11th September 1683, at the great city of Vienna, the armies of the Ottoman Empire were preparing to storm the city, but their scouts to the west noticed a vast cavalry force approaching. The next day Christian horsemen (Poles, Lithuanians, Germans of the Holy Roman Empire and Cossacks) swept down upon the troops of the Caliph and swept them away in one of the most stunning military victories of all time. But what lay at the heart of this clash between Christendom and the Caliphate, West vs. East, Christianity vs. Islam?
Joining to discuss is historian of the Middle East Simon Mayall. We talk about the past’s influence on today’s fanatics, the conquests of Spain and the Levant by the Moors and the Crusaders and much much more.
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The House of War: The Struggle between Christendom and the Caliphate
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