Aspects of History encompasses a range of views from our heritage. The past isn’t dead. It’s not even past. But, equally so, the past is a foreign country; they do things differently there. The study of history should be encouraged, as opposed to erased. We have no intention of no-platforming any voices. Indeed, we encourage writers to arrange permanent platforms with us through this site to enable historians and novelists to promote their work in an ongoing way via interviews, podcasts, blog posts, short stories and book reviews. History should be both championed and challenged, disseminated and debated.
Oliver Webb-Carter, having studied Ancient History and Classical Archaeology at the University of Warwick, worked in the City of London for nearly two decades, before deciding to return to his first love, History. He is the editor and a founder of Aspects of History.
“Over the past five years I have had the pleasure of meeting a variety of historians and historical novelists. Firstly, I couldn’t help but note how there was a shared readership between historical writers, fiction and non-fiction. Also, all the historical authors I meet with are keen to promote themselves and their books. I hope that Aspects of History can provide an engaging platform for writers, whether they are established or new to the industry, to help find and expand their audience. Should you be a keen reader of history and historical fiction, we duly hope to inform and entertain you too. Please do sign-up to our mailing list or subscribe to the magazine. Annual subscriptions are available at only £9.99/$9.99. Single issues are available from only £1.99.