The Nazi Mind with Laurence Rees
The past is never dead, it isn’t even past
Aspects of History Editor Ollie Webb-Carter interviews historians and authors about the past – from the ancient world right up to the modern day. In each episode, Ollie seeks to get to the bottom of a story or scrutinise a figure from history, in an informative light-hearted way. There are bonus episodes too, on current events and anniversaries to the Aspects of History Film Club.
Available wherever you get your podcasts, or listen below.
The Nazi Mind with Laurence Rees
The Nazis & the German Royal Family with Stephan Malinowski
Athens, Sparta and Honour with Paul A. Rahe
Athens, Sparta and the Sicilian Expedition with Paul A. Rahe
The Mafia & the Kennedys with Louis Ferrante Part 2
The Mafia & the Kennedys with Louis Ferrante Part 1
William Tell with Nick Hamm & Almut Seurbaum
SAS Rogue Heroes Series 2 with Gavin Mortimer
Espionage and Duplicity with William Boyd
The Naval History of Britain: The Rise with N.A.M. Rodger
The Naval History of Britain: Malaise with N.A.M. Rodger
Richard II & Henry IV with Helen Castor
Film Club: Salvador (1986)
Film Club: Apocalypse Now (1979)
Film Club: All the President’s Men (1976)
Film Club: Alexander (2004)
Film Club: A Bridge Too Far (1977)
Film Club: Anthropoid (2016)
Film Club: Valkyrie (2008)
Film Club: The Longest Day (1962)
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
The Passion of the Christ (2004)
Schindler’s List (1993)
Bonnie & Clyde (1967)
Monarchs with Charlie Higson
Historical Fiction with Jane Thynne, Paul Lay & Miranda Malins
Socrates with Armand D’Angour
Books of the Year So Far with The Gang
Gladiators & Games with Justin Pollard
Boundaries, Borders & Maps with Jonn Elledge
Shardlake and Thomas Cromwell with Peter Wagstaff
The Attack on Pearl Harbor with Alan Bardos
SpyMasters with Antonia Senior
The Princes in the Tower with History with Jackson Pod
Israel Palestine with Roberto Mazza
The History of Running with Duncan Larkin