The SpyMasters Book Prize

At SpyMasters, we love spy books. We love to read espionage books, as well as champion the genre and its authors. And so it is with great pleasure that we announce the inaugural SpyMasters Book Prize.

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John Kiszely

John Kiszely

John Kiszely was commissioned into the Scots Guards from Sandhurst and served in the British army for forty years.  His operational service included Northern Ireland, the Falkland Islands, Bosnia and Iraq (as deputy coalition commander). He served three tours of duty in the Ministry of Defence, latterly as Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff. His final appointment was Director General of the UK Defence Academy. He has been a visiting professor in war studies at Kings College London and a visiting research fellow at the Changing Character of War Centre at the University of Oxford. He has published widely in contributions to books and journals on strategy and approaches to warfare. For his first book, Anatomy of a Campaign. The British Fiasco in Norway 1940, he was awarded the Royal United Service Institute`s 2018 Duke of Wellington Medal for Military History.
John Kiszely
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Sugar Plum

Sugar Plum

Set during the Second World War, the story combines historical details about the challenges of putting on ballet performances in London during the war, with a fictional tale where magic and reality intermingle during a production of Casse Noisette.
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Aspects of History Book Club: Gavin Mortimer


The Phoney Major

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Aspects of History Magazine

Issue 25 Out now

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Issue 25 includes Dominic Sandbrook discussing Admiral Nelson, Helen Castor on Richard II & Henry IV, William Boyd on his latest novel, Edward IV is our Historical Hero, Jade Scott writes about Mary, Queen of Scots and Jack Weatherford on Kublai Khan, plus much much more.

Single editions available for download here

aspect of history issue 3