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Jean Briggs

The Legacy of Foulstone Manor, by J.C.Briggs

The Legacy of Foulstone Manor, by J.C.Briggs

A story of manipulation and madness, ghosts and the Gothic.
Ella Beales

The Legacy of Foulstone Manor is a dual timeline Gothic mystery that explores family secrets, lies, and how the past can haunt and trap you. In 1970, we encounter forty-something-year-old Joan, who has inherited Foulstone, the family home she was taken away from at...

Historical Heroes: Charles Dickens

Historical Heroes: Charles Dickens

It would be hard to better this Historical Hero, the great Charles Dickens.

Historical Heroes: Charles Dickens From pasting labels onto pots at the blacking factory, from taking supper with his family in the Marshalsea Prison, to the top of the Victorian literary tree, Charles Dickens’s story is a remarkable one. The blacking factory by...

Crime in Victorian London

Crime in Victorian London

Wild Boys, elephants, and a hippopotamus all feature in a London that was a dangerous place to be in the 19th century.

Crime in Victorian London One of the settings for my new novel, The Jaggard Case, is Clerkenwell - the scene of the arrest of Oliver Twist for pickpocketing. Clerkenwell was famous not only for its jewellery and watchmaking industries, but also its criminality and...

The Jaggard Case, by J.C.Briggs

The Jaggard Case, by J.C.Briggs

A well-thought-out plot, strong characters, and settings that lean out of the text to enfold you.
Allan Martin

JC Briggs brings the reader into the world of mid-nineteenth-century London very effectively indeed. The Jaggard Case is the tenth in Briggs’ series of crime novels featuring the writer as detective, which began with The Murder of Patience Brooke in 2014. The mystery...

Charles Dickens & Charity

Charles Dickens & Charity

Dickens was a picture of charity, and the author of the Dickens Investigations describes those endeavours.

Charles Dickens and Charity: The most perplexing female I have ever encountered… In the research for my novels featuring Dickens as an amateur detective, I frequently turn to the Pilgrim Edition of the letters. The footnotes provide all kinds of fascinating detail for...

Charles Dickens & Charity

What’s My Poison? Arsenic and other Methods of Murder.

Poisons, and particularly arsenic feature frequently in Victorian novels.

What's My Poison? ‘It is clear that the “favourite” poison with us is arsenic.’ So wrote Charles Dickens in his journal, Household Words, in December 1851. Dickens argues for the enforcement of laws regulating the sale of medicines. Dickens refers to the Sale of...

Alfred Tennyson’s Bowels and Other Authorial Ailments

Alfred Tennyson’s Bowels and Other Authorial Ailments

Victorian authors were obsessed with their health

‘… the sufferings of which were dreadful … when I awoke with that horror upon me …’ Charles Dickens had a cold. Man flu? One might wonder when reading the dramatic description of his anguish. But he was a novelist given to melodrama at times, and, considering the...

Jean Briggs

Jean Briggs

Jean Briggs is the author of the Dickens Investigations and she discusses her novels and inspirations.

Jean Briggs, welcome to Aspects of History! What prompted you to choose the period that you wrote your first book in? It was my interest in Charles Dickens that decided the period. I was reading his journalism and found that he had written about the Victorian police...

The Drowned Woman: Ellen Tyrell’s Nose

The Drowned Woman: Ellen Tyrell’s Nose

The Thames is a useful place for mysterious deaths.

I was looking for a drowned girl. My old friend, Professor Swaine Taylor had provided the grisly forensic detail in his Medical Jurisprudence: ‘the eyelids livid, and the pupils dilated; the mouth closed or half-open, the tongue swollen and congested, frequently...

Jean Briggs

Jean Briggs

Jean Briggs taught English for many years in schools in Cheshire, Hong Kong, and Lancashire. She now lives in a cottage by a river in Cumbria with a view of the Howgill Fells and a lot of sheep, though it is the streets of Victorian London that are mostly in her mind when she is writing about Charles Dickens as a detective. There are nine novels in the series so far, published by Sapere Books. The latest, Summons to Murder, came out in December 2021.
Jean Briggs

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