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Ancient Rome

Holand Press

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Holand Press is a new, independent publisher which is focused on fostering new talent. We believe in building brands and generating sales through an ongoing, long-term strategy.
Sharpe Books

Holand Books Click on any of the books covers below to either buy or get more information on AmazonFrom the Publisher Books matter. Readers matter. Writers matter. As such, there is always a demand for new stories and new authors. Holand Press has been founded to help...

The Arc of History: Tom Holland Interview

The Arc of History: Tom Holland Interview

Tom Holland is now one of the largest names in the history game and our editor sat down to chat with him recently.
Tom Holland

The Arc of History: Tom Holland Interview It’s been almost 20 years since you wrote Rubicon, and I was thinking about this when reading your introduction to Pax. Do you think the writing of history itself has changed during that time? Well, it reflects the fact that...

Books of 2024 From Aspects of History

Books of 2024 From Aspects of History

Our authors and contributors recommend books they've enjoyed this year

Books of 2023 from Aspects of HistoryAlan Bardos Author of The Dardanelles ConspiracyIt’s been a great year for fiction and non-fiction, but these books are my first amongst equals. Every Spy a Traitor by Alex Gerlis follows Agent Archie, a Russian mole in MI6 across...

Empire on the Mind: Mary Beard interviewed

Empire on the Mind: Mary Beard interviewed

One of Britain’s most prominent classicists met with historian Tessa Dunlop to discuss Emperor of Rome and more.

Empire on the Mind: Mary Beard interviewed Parliament Square in London bristles with so many statues it is like a free version of Madame Tussauds. If you’ve ever wondered why, look no further than Mary Beard’s latest book – Emperor of Rome. Yup it was the hubris and...

Gladiator: Richard Foreman Interviewed

Gladiator: Richard Foreman Interviewed

We interviewed bestselling author Richard Foreman about his latest book, Gladiator.

Richard, Can you tell us about your latest Spies of Rome title and how you came to write the novella? I often receive emails from readers asking about when the next book in a series will be. I get more mail than most about Spies of Rome. So I decided to write a series...

Simon Turney on The Gothic Wars

Simon Turney on The Gothic Wars

Simon Turney is a historian and the author of novels spanning hundreds of years of Roman history.

Simon, your novel Para Bellum is set during the Gothic Wars and this is we're towards the end of the fourth century, but we're talking the Gothic Wars, specifically 376AD to 382BC. It is the slow but certain disintegration of the Roman Empire. It’s momentous times,...

Black Horsemen: Numidian Light Cavalry

Black Horsemen: Numidian Light Cavalry

The Carthaginian allies made a formidable foe against the Roman Army.

Black Horsemen: Numidian Light Cavalry I am currently writing the first book in a new series, out in 2025, centred during the time of the Second Punic War, 218 - 201 BC. It is a fascinating period and one that I previously knew little about, other than some of the...

2024 Summer Reads from Aspects of History

2024 Summer Reads from Aspects of History

Our authors and contributors recommend books to take on summer holidays.

Summer Reads from Aspects of HistoryAlan Bardos Author of Rising TideMunich Wolf, by Rory Clements is set in 1935 Munich. When the body of a young English socialite is found, Kripo detective Sebastian Wolff is called in to solve the politically sensitive case. The...

Roman Andalusia: The Rise and Fall of Empires

Roman Andalusia: The Rise and Fall of Empires

Andalusia, the large autonomous community in the Iberian Peninsular has plenty of Roman history.

Roman Andalusia: The Rise and Fall of Empires Andalusia, the large Autonomous Community in the Iberian Peninsular has plenty of Roman history. Writer Alistair Tosh has examined the 3rd century BC and the personalities who fought there including Scipio and the great...

History and the National Psyche

History and the National Psyche

Our Editor at Large is a huge enthusiast of the Chalke History Festival and here writes about what makes it his favourite history festival.

A couple of years ago at the Chalke History Festival, General Sir Simon Mayall, a popular member of the red trouser brigade, Balliol man, and retired military top brass strode onto stage to rapturous applause. Introducing his recently published memoirs he delivered a...