- Which play, written by Euripides, is set in Thebes during the rule of Pentheus?
- The Bacchae
- Alexander of Macedon is known as The Great, but what number Alexander was he?
- Alexander III
- After Nero’s botched suicide attempt, Rome entered the year of the four emperors, but can you name them?
- Galbo, Otho, Vitellius & Vespasian
- Who was the writer, living in 8th century England, who is sometimes called ‘The Father of English History’?
- The Venerable Bede
- Which English princess became Empress when married to Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor?
- Matilda
- Henrietta Maria, wife of Charles I, was descended from which two prominent dynasties?
- Bourbon & Medici
- What was the last battle to take place on British soil? Bonus point for the year.
- Culloden, 1746
- Toussaint Louverture led the revolt against the French in which Caribbean nation?
- Haiti or Saint Domingue
- The battle of Isandlwana in January 1879 saw the British annihilated by the Zulus, but who was the Zulu general on the day?
- Ntshingwayo kaMahole Khoza OR Khoza
- What was the name of the last Queen of Romania?
- Marie, wife of Ferdinand I
Quiz Questions – Answers
The answers to our editor's Christmas Quiz