Publishing Services

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From Pitch to Publication

See below for a list of services, offered by various industry professionals, to help with publishing and promoting your books.

Manuscript Appraisal and securing an agent and publisher

It can be incredibly difficult to secure an agent or publishing deal once you have written your manuscript. It is also far from impossible however, especially if you contact agents and publishers in a professional manner, with a well-judged proposal and polished opening chapters.

If you have written a history book or historical novel, we can work with you to help narrow your odds to secure an agent or publishing. For a fee of £149 an industry professional will go through your synopsis and opening three chapters.

Should you be interested in a full appraisal of your manuscript and other editorial services please contact us at

Becoming an independent author and publishing your ms

Publishers and agents can only take on a limited number of authors. If you have not secured representation after six months, it will be worth considering publishing your novel or history book independently. Aspects of History can provide a number of services to turn your manuscript into a Kindle edition and print on demand paperback. It is important that your ms does not just end up gathering dust in a drawer. You will be encouraged to write a second book if your is published. You will also be in shop window for other publishers and agents, as well as for readers, once work becomes available. You will retain all rights and royalties.

Fees start at £999 and we can provide following:

Professional Cover design

Arranging publishing imprint with Amazon

Working with author to compose professional blurb

Formatting of Kindle and paperback edition

A marketing consultation

We can also help you promote your work by reviewing your book, interviewing you and offering you a blog post on the Aspects of History site

For further details please contact

Monthly Promotional Packages with Aspects of History

If you have published your history book or historical novel and you wish to increase your sales and visibility, Aspects of History offers Monthly Promotional Packages.

For a fee of £99 we can review your book, interview you for site and arrange for you to write a blog post.

Should you be interested in raising your sales and profile in a more substantial and ongoing way we can also arrange to host an Author Platform with Aspects of History.

Please contact our team at to discuss further.

Burgeoning Media

Burgeoning Media specialises in short videos for writers and artists. James Burge, who supervises all the films, learnt his craft making factual television programmes (Horizon, Timewatch, a lot of Channel 4 and BBC Documentary Series). His approach to promotional videos is unusual but simple: he doesn’t make advertisements, he makes documentaries. The project always starts with reading your book and talking to you about it. On the basis of this he constructs a brief film, usually involving an interview with the author, which encapsulates the key nature and best aspects of your work. The result is always engaging and memorable, lively but made with the sure-footed confidence of an experienced film-maker. These videos are ideal for all the usual social media uses as well as for publishers and indeed for journalists and reviewers (we couldn’t possibly name names but whole newspaper articles have been written entirely on the basis of a Burgeoning film!). As well as the videos Burge writes books about the Middle Ages so he has a reasonable insight into the needs of a writer. If you are interested have a look at some of the films on the website –– and get in touch for a free consultation.