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Nicholas Crane

Nicholas Crane on Latitude

Nicholas Crane on Latitude

Nicholas Crane is interviewed about his new book, Latitude
Nicholas Crane

Nicholas Crane, welcome to Aspects of History. Many congratulations on the book. We had a few questions for you. Why did you decide to write Latitude now? It’s an irresistible mix of human fortitude, science and exploration, a story for our times. To what extent could...

Scientific Struggle: The Search for Latitude

Scientific Struggle: The Search for Latitude

Measuring the earth was not only mathematically challenging, but a physical feat too.
Nicholas Crane

The Search for Latitude Antonio de Ulloa y de la Torre-Guiral lay unconscious on the mountainside. ‘I fell down’, he wrote later, ‘and remained a long time without sense or motion; and, as I was told, with all the appearances of death.’ The year was 1737 and the...