Between the Clouds and the River is Dave Mason’s latest historical fiction, with a dual timeline narrative set between 1942 and 1965. Spanning continents and decades, this book is a sweeping and moving tale of life, love, loss and everything in between. In 1942,...
David Mason
Dave Mason on Between the Clouds and the River
Dave Mason on Between the Clouds and the River Dave, where did you get the idea of the story from? The initial spark for Between the Clouds and the River came from an account of a former German prisoner of war. Let’s just say that story immediately sent me down a...
I don’t know about you, but I’m fascinated by history as much for what we think we know as I am for what we know we don’t know. For me, it’s where (un)knowns overlap that historical fiction comes alive. My recently-released novel, Between the Clouds and the River,...
Canada in the Second World War
Let’s face it, the most pervasive and persistent perceptions of history revolve around the stuff that gets talked about. Did Tom Hanks invade Normandy, liberate France, and save Private Ryan? Well, not exactly. But America won the Second World War, right? Well, not...