John Kiszely


John Kiszely was commissioned into the Scots Guards from Sandhurst and served in the British army for forty years.  His operational service included Northern Ireland, the Falkland Islands, Bosnia and Iraq (as deputy coalition commander). He served three tours of duty in the Ministry of Defence, latterly as Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff. His final appointment was Director General of the UK Defence Academy. He has been a visiting professor in war studies at Kings College London and a visiting research fellow at the Changing Character of War Centre at the University of Oxford. He has published widely in contributions to books and journals on strategy and approaches to warfare. For his first book, Anatomy of a Campaign. The British Fiasco in Norway 1940, he was awarded the Royal United Service Institute`s 2018 Duke of Wellington Medal for Military History.

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The subject of his new book is the unsung General Hastings `Pug` Ismay, successively Churchill`s chief staff officer throughout the Second World War, Mountbatten`s chief of staff in India during Partition in 1947, a Cabinet minister in 1951-52, and latterly as the first secretary general of NATO at the height of the Cold War.

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A Burning Sea
A Burning Sea


John Kiszely

John Kiszely

John Kiszely, what first attracted you to the period or periods you work in?From early childhood I`ve been an avid reader of history. Indeed, for most of my schooldays, when asked what I wanted for Christmas or birthday my answer was always `a history book, please`. (At times this was ...