Home » Simon Sebag Montefiore

Simon Sebag Montefiore

A Divided Kingdom: Robert Harris on Act of Oblivion

A Divided Kingdom: Robert Harris on Act of Oblivion

Our editor met Robert Harris to talk about his latest novel set in the aftermath of the fall of Cromwell.
Oliver Webb-Carter

In preparation for my meeting with Robert Harris (of course I’d read his latest novel, Act of Oblivion), I read a number of interviews and listened to his Desert Island Discs with Kirsty Young. 12 years old now, it is a fascinating and enlightening episode, and gave...

A Family History of the World

A Family History of the World

Our editor met Simon Sebag Montefiore in 2022 to talk historical events and families, interspersed with current affairs such as Ukraine and Iran.
Oliver Webb-Carter

On the day I meet with Simon Sebag Montefiore to discuss his new book, The World: A Family History, the Russians have plundered the body of Prince Grigory Potemkin who was the subject of Sebag’s breakthrough book in 2001. Catherine the Great & Potemkin (Aspects of...

The World: A Family History, by Simon Sebag Montefiore

The World: A Family History, by Simon Sebag Montefiore

An expansive, enlightening, and entertaining history of some of humanity’s most interesting characters.
Luke Pepera

An expansive, enlightening, and entertaining history of some of humanity’s most interesting characters. The first thing worth mentioning about Simon Sebag-Montefiore’s The World is that it wholly delivers on the promise of its title and its synopsis. If you are by...

A Family History of the World with Simon Sebag Montefiore

Simon Sebag Montefiore

Simon Sebag Montefiore is the author of the international bestsellers Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar, Jerusalem: The Biography, Young Stalin, Catherine The Great And Potemkin and The Romanovs, as well as the Moscow Trilogy of novels and The Royal Rabbits of London for children.
Simon Sebag Montefiore

Books Click on any of the books covers below to either buy or get more information on Amazon Articles Click on the links below to read the full article [dpdfg_filtergrid custom_query="advanced" use_taxonomy_terms="on" multiple_taxonomies="name_of_author"...

Voices of History: How to Talk Your Way to Power

Voices of History: How to Talk Your Way to Power

In his latest book, Simon selects the most influential speeches of history, ranging from Alexander the Great to John Boyega.  Here he introduces his choices, and tells what makes a powerful speech.

Friends! Brothers and sisters! Comrades! Fellow citizens! Your majesties and highnesses! My countrymen! My children! Fellow soldiers! Ladies and gentlemen! You can tell much by the opening of a speech. Elizabeth I begins hers majestically, ‘My loving people’. Mandela...

Voices of History: Speeches that Changed the World, by Simon Sebag Montefiore

Voices of History: Speeches that Changed the World, by Simon Sebag Montefiore

The acclaimed author has gathered diverse speeches in an enjoyable collection.
Oliver Webb-Carter

Voices of History: Speeches that Changed the World As we have discovered in January 2020, words matter. They matter even more when spoken by powerful men and women. I write this in the context of the dying days of Donald Trump’s presidency, when his words have incited...

A Family History of the World with Simon Sebag Montefiore

AoH Book Club: Simon Sebag Montefiore on Catherine the Great & Potemkin

The acclaimed historian talks about his debut, which was an immediate bestseller and lauded by many including Mick Jagger.

Catherine the Great & Potemkin One of history's great couples - and love affairs - the story of Catherine and Potemkin is one of power, passion and politics - of both amorous and military conquests. Can you remember what first attracted you to the project? I think...

An Interview with the Prime Minister

An Interview with the Prime Minister

An early exclusive for Simon with Margaret Thatcher in 1983.

On October 4th, 1983, Simon Sebag-Montefiore and Scott Martin met the Prime Minister at Number 10. What were your feelings about the jingoism displayed by the tabloid press during the Falklands conflict? What would you describe as jingoism? It is a word which is...