Pirate, The Redeemed Detective is the latest of your Inspector Lafarge novels, but we’re now in 1947 and he’s been through much. How has his character changed since The Tortured Detective which starts in 1942? He has certainly been through the wringer, emotionally...
Pirate Irwin
Episode 154
Pirate Irwin
Pirate Irwin, what first attracted you to the period or periods you work in? Summer holidays when I was a nipper in France sparked a fascination with the moral conundrum faced by the people with a war hero Petain having agreed to collaborate with the Nazis to preserve...
Pirate Irwin
Books Click on any of the books covers below to either buy or get more information on AmazonArticles Click on the links below to read the full article[dpdfg_filtergrid custom_query="advanced" use_taxonomy_terms="on" multiple_taxonomies="name_of_author"...
The Redeemed Detective, by Pirate Irwin
The Redeemed Detective is the latest instalment of the Inspector Lafarge series, Pirate Irwin’s historical thriller series featuring French policeman, Gaston Lafarge. Beginning with the Nazi occupation of France, The Redeemed Detective sees Lafarge in Paris after...
Pirate Irwin on The Redeemed Detective
Pirate Irwin – congratulations on your latest novel, The Redeemed Detective. Could you tell us about the hero of your detective series, Inspector Gaston Lafarge – did you have any real-life inspiration? Thank you. But no, the complex cove’s character is all on me....