Writing the history of one’s hometown is no small feat, even after living and studying its history for 25 years. Aachen became my home in October 1999, when I was invited to teach at RWTH-Aachen University during my PhD studies. The university was already an esteemed...
Philip Blood
Episode 187
Episode 186
Episode 182
Episode 169
Birds of Prey, by Philip W. Blood
Birds of Prey, by Philip W. Blood The Bialowieźa forest, in Poland and Belarus, is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. The forest is full of interesting plant life and a wide range of wildlife including wolves, wild boar, deer and European bison. No wonder then, that...
Episode 150
Philip W. Blood on Birds of Prey
Philip W. Blood, Birds of Prey is an extraordinary piece of work using groundbreaking research to produce an original book on the Second World War. Not an easy feat. Was this a story you discovered, or one you always wanted to tell? The book is both a narrative I was...
Philip W. Blood
Philip W. Blood, what first attracted you to the period or periods you work in? My fascination with twentieth-century warfare was ignited by several memorable moments in childhood. My father, an aircraft design engineer with Avro, introduced me to the fascinating...
How Did the Ordinary German Soldier Behave During the War and the Holocaust?
How did the Ordinary German Soldier Behave During the War and the Holocaust? In 1997, I unearthed the war diaries of two Luftwaffe security battalions from the years 1942 to 1944. These diaries meticulously chronicled the battalion, company, platoon, and squad level...