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Jane Thynne

Goodnight Vienna, Jane Thynne Interview

Goodnight Vienna, Jane Thynne Interview

In the first of a new series, bestselling author Jane Thynne discusses the city, the 1930s and the worrying times we’re now in.
Jane Thynne

Goodnight Vienna, Jane Thynne Interview. Jane, many congratulations on Midnight in Vienna. What is it about the city that made you want to set much of the book there? It’s impossible to think about twentieth century art, philosophy, psychology, or politics and not to...

Queen High, by C.J. Carey

Queen High, by C.J. Carey

An alternate reality where Wallis Simpson is queen is a compulsive literary thriller.

Queen High is CJ Carey’s sequel to her much acclaimed novel Widowland, both books are counter factual dystopian novels in a similar vein to 1984, Fatherland and Brave New World. They are set in a 1950s Britain where Lord Halifax became Prime Minister rather than...