Military Maverick – Selected Letters and War Diary Of ‘Chink’ Dorman Smith, by Lavinia Greacen As the only candidate, before or since, ever to have achieved 100% in the tactics paper in the entrance examination for the army Staff College Eric Dorman-Smith ought...
Gordon Corrigan
Episode 187
Episode 186
Hero City: Leningrad 1943–44, by Prit Buttar
Hero City: Leningrad 1943–44 St Petersburg, Petrograd, Leningrad, St Petersburg. Peter the Great’s window on the world, the birthplace of the Bolshevik Revolution and of Vladimir Putin. It has always been seen as occupying a strategic position, although its geographic...
Episode 169
Victory To Defeat, by Richard Dannatt and Robert Lyman
The British Army ended the First World War well trained, well led, well equipped and capable of engaging in all arms intensive warfare. Of all the players, on both sides, this army was unquestionably the most capable of deployment against a first class enemy anywhere...
Episode 155
Putin’s War in Ukraine
Putin's War in Ukraine The area that we now know as Ukraine has rarely been an independent entity. We first hear of it as part of Kievan Rus, a state established by Vikings who went east and, centred on Kiev (now Kyiv), gave their name to Russia. Kievan Rus was...
Episode 150
NATO: From the Cold War to Ukraine, by Sten Rynning
At a time when the UK is at war by proxy – providing intelligence, weapons and training to Ukraine – and relying on Article Five of the NATO treaty for our own security, this is a most timely book. The author, Sten Renning, is a Danish professor who has been a student...