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Ellen Alpsten

Gytha Godwinson: a Tale of Terror, Trial and Triumph

Gytha Godwinson: a Tale of Terror, Trial and Triumph

The unknown glory of Gytha Godwinson reshapes the need of a 'female retelling’
Ellen Alpsten

Gytha Godwinson: a Tale of Terror, Trial and Triumph Women in the High Middle Ages often seem to be a faceless, nameless mass. Life was not precious and survival precarious: they were the silent and hard labouring ‘other half’ in a world that was distinctly male and...

Empress Elizabeth: Saving the Slavic Soul

Empress Elizabeth: Saving the Slavic Soul

Empress Elizabeth went through many struggles, until she emerged as a great monarch.
Ellen Alpsten

Peter the Great’s death in 1725 made Russia hold its breath. The greatest will to shape the world’s largest and wealthiest realm – a Tsar’s any decision was his entire Empire’s fate – had been extinguished, leaving an unimaginable vacuum of power. But the unthinkable...