David Cairns’ latest detective novel, The Case of the Wandering Corpse follows the investigative duo Errol Rait and Major Findo Gask in this Sherlock Holmes-esque mystery set in the late 1860s in Melbourne, Australia. The mystery begins with a distraught and fearful...
Amy Chandler
Volcanic, by John Brewer
John Brewer’s historically rich Volcanic: Vesuvius in the Age of Revolution takes readers on a fascinating journey through the history of Mount Vesuvius. Brewer carefully plots the changing attitudes towards Naples and Mount Vesuvius through the lens of the Sublime...
David Cairns on The Case Of The Wandering Corpse
What inspired your latest novel The Case of the Wandering Corpse The murder that introduces Gask and Rait had its genesis in 1864, after Franz Muller - a German tailor - was publicly hanged for the murder of Thomas Briggs. This was the first murder on a British train....
Secrets of the Italian Island, by Barbara Josselsohn
Barbara Josselsohn’s latest novel Secrets of the Italian Island is an immersive and historically rich novel that transports the reader into a fanciful world of the Castle of Poets on the Isola di Parissi, Italy. The castle is shadowed by the looming threat of the Nazi...
The Case of the Emigrant Niece, by David Cairns
David Cairns’ latest novel The Case of Emigrant Niece is bursting with mystery, action, and adventure told through the eyes of protagonist Major Findo Gask. This novel dives into the changing world of the nineteenth century of upheaval, exploration and war filled with...
David Cairns on The Case of the Emigrant Niece
The novel centres around the gold rush era in Australia – what inspired you to write about this time period? My first novel came about because I was researching my Australian wife’s forbears who were transported to Van Diemen’s Land in the 1830s. Once they had served...