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Holand Press

Holand Press

Holand Press is a new, independent publisher which is focused on fostering new talent. We believe in building brands and generating sales through an ongoing, long-term strategy.
Sharpe Books

Holand Books Click on any of the books covers below to either buy or get more information on AmazonFrom the Publisher Books matter. Readers matter. Writers matter. As such, there is always a demand for new stories and new authors. Holand Press has been founded to help...

Oath Breaker, by Adam Staten

Oath Breaker, by Adam Staten

The relentless pace, the breath-taking action and the engaging characters all combine to produce a tale that keeps you hooked from the first page to the last.

Oath breaker is the second book in Staten’s Honour Bound trilogy, following on from Blood Debt, released earlier in 2024. Before I start, I should confess two things: first, that this era is an era that ranks among my favourites, meaning I am predisposed to enjoy...

War: Sense and Nonsense

War: Sense and Nonsense

Menewood reexamines Bede’s history, highlighting Hild’s intelligence, leadership, and role during a time of war and political upheaval.
Nicola Griffith

War: Sense and Nonsense Menewood is the second novel about Hild, known today as St Hilda, Abbess of Whitby. Almost everything we know of her comes from a single document, the Ecclesiastical History of the English People (HE), written fifty years after her death by...

Gytha Godwinson: a Tale of Terror, Trial and Triumph

Gytha Godwinson: a Tale of Terror, Trial and Triumph

The unknown glory of Gytha Godwinson reshapes the need of a 'female retelling’
Ellen Alpsten

Gytha Godwinson: a Tale of Terror, Trial and Triumph Women in the High Middle Ages often seem to be a faceless, nameless mass. Life was not precious and survival precarious: they were the silent and hard labouring ‘other half’ in a world that was distinctly male and...

Secrets of the Anglo-Saxons: Richard Foreman interviews Cat Jarman

Secrets of the Anglo-Saxons: Richard Foreman interviews Cat Jarman

Author and publisher Richard Foreman met medieval historian Cat Jarman to discuss The Bone Chests.

Cat Jarman, Can you first tell us about the genesis of The Bone Chests? What prompted you to write the book? I first learnt about these chests more than decade ago and have been intrigued by them ever since. The chests are completely unique: there’s nowhere else in...

Three Men on a Mission: Three Architects of Early Christendom

Three Men on a Mission: Three Architects of Early Christendom

Emperor Leo III, Saint Boniface and Charles Martel, men who helped establish Christianity.

Three Men on a Mission: Three Architects of Early Christendom Staying true to its name, the fourth instalment of The Wanderer Chronicles invites the reader to journey far and wide, in company with Viking warrior-in-exile Erlan Aurvandil and his partner in adventure,...



Chiselbury Publishing was founded 2011 to make the works of James Leasor, one of the bestselling and most prolific British authors of the second half of the 20th Century, available to new and old readers. It now has the works of over 30 authors, non-fiction and fiction, established bestselling authors and first-timers, in print or nearing publication. In all we have over 80 books in print.
Sharpe Books

Books Click on any of the books covers below to either buy or get more information on Amazon From the Publisher Chiselbury Publishing was founded 2011 to make the works of James Leasor, one of the bestselling and most prolific British authors of the second half of the...

Battle for the Island Kingdom, by Don Hollway

Battle for the Island Kingdom, by Don Hollway

A new history on England and the 11th century is great for both scholar and amateur.
Andrew Rollo

This engrossing title is Don Hollway’s third non-fiction book, and his second on the 11th century. Like the previous two books, it is a narrative history, and draws on a wide range of primary sources to create a balanced account of events. The book is focused on...

M.J.Porter on The Brunanburh Series

M.J.Porter on The Brunanburh Series

Bestseller M.J.Porter discusses her latest series.

M.J. Porter, congratulations on the Brunanburh Series. Why does Æthelstan appeal to you as a historical figure, and why does his story demand retelling in contemporary society? Æthelstan is an intriguing character to explore. We actually know very little about him,...

The Real Press

The Real Press

The Real Press publishes fiction and non-fiction with a historical edge. We publish short books, ebooks and print-on-demand books that fit with our values and philosophy, and which seem likely to encourage debate about what really matters. These are available on Amazon and elsewhere, but also here in our shop.
Sharpe Books

Books Click on any of the books covers below to either buy or get more information on Amazon From the Publisher The Real Press publishes fiction and non-fiction with a historical edge. We publish short books, ebooks and print-on-demand books that fit with our values...