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The Lopez Case

The Lopez Case

The thriller writer of the Tudor era delves into the mysterious case of Roderigo Lopez.

The case of Dr Roderigo Lopez, the only physician to English royalty ever to be executed for high treason, is not particularly well known, though Dominic Green’s The Double Life of Dr Lopez has done much to fill this gap in our knowledge. The case, however, provides a...

Hampton Court: A Theatre of the Tudor Monarchy

Hampton Court: A Theatre of the Tudor Monarchy

Hampton Court became a centre of Tudor power and the dynasty enjoyed the palace that had been improved by first Cardinal Wolsey, and then Anne Boleyn.
Gareth Russell

Hampton Court: A Theatre of the Tudor Monarchy Hampton Court arrived as part of the Tudors’ property portfolio at an odd moment in the dynasty’s history. It was not somewhere that they had inherited from their predecessors – like Westminster, the Tower of London,...

Peter Tonkin on Shadow of Poison

Peter Tonkin on Shadow of Poison

The bestselling author talked to us about his latest novel set in the world of Tudor espionage.

Peter Tonkin, can you first tell us about your latest Poley novel? Shadow of Poison follows Queen’s Intelligencer Robert Poley from the aftermath of his unmasking of the Babington Plot in 1586, through the next eight years as he works to counter other, secret schemes...

Nature: Challenges & Changes

Nature: Challenges & Changes

The wildlife filmmaker on the problems faced and a blueprint for the future.
Stephen Mills

Nature: Challenges & Changes I live in the polders of the Netherlands, within sight of what used to be called the Zuiderzee in the old atlases of my childhood. Outside my window where I write I look onto a large pool of water, formed by the confluence of the...

James I: The Wisest Fool

James I: The Wisest Fool

The nickname for James VI of Scotland & I of England was a harsh one.

James I: The Wisest Fool What makes a good king? What, for that matter, makes a good leader? Nowadays, we might identify qualities such as charisma, presence, and – one would hope – intelligence in decision-making and genuine care for the wellbeing of the people...

When Henry VIII Came to Dinner, by Paul Wreyford

When Henry VIII Came to Dinner, by Paul Wreyford

Comically memorable examinations of the characters presented.

We are in a modern suburban house occupied by a boy and his father. The boy is a teenager, with an enquiring mind and a predilection for bad jokes. The somewhat inept father is usually the butt of these and the banter adds to the humorous lightness of touch that...

How to Make History Appealing

How to Make History Appealing

The author of a new history aimed at children explains the challenges of writing for them.
Paul Wreyford

My teenage son and daughter reckon that most history books are dull and boring. And you know what…I tend to agree with them. No, please don’t stop reading. Don’t throw me and my books on the fire – I’m no history heretic (or perhaps I am). Like you, I love history. So...



Chiselbury Publishing was founded 2011 to make the works of James Leasor, one of the bestselling and most prolific British authors of the second half of the 20th Century, available to new and old readers. It now has the works of over 30 authors, non-fiction and fiction, established bestselling authors and first-timers, in print or nearing publication. In all we have over 80 books in print.
Sharpe Books

Books Click on any of the books covers below to either buy or get more information on Amazon From the Publisher Chiselbury Publishing was founded 2011 to make the works of James Leasor, one of the bestselling and most prolific British authors of the second half of the...

Of Judgement Fallen, by Steven Veerapen

Of Judgement Fallen, by Steven Veerapen

In Steven Veerapen’s second Anthony Blanke mystery, we re-enter the murky world of plotting and foul play surrounding the court of Henry VIII.
Michael Ward

Our hapless hero, son of the king’s late black trumpeter John Blanke, is once again pressed into service as a spy by Cardinal Wolsey, the second most powerful figure in the land. Wolsey is pre-occupied with preparations for the forthcoming opening of Parliament at...

Great & Horrible News, by Blessin Adams

Great & Horrible News, by Blessin Adams

Brutal, bloody killings are enacted in all their heart-stopping, gory glory in this compulsively readable title.

As a former policewoman, Blessin Adams is well aware of the human cost of murder. In Great and Horrible News, this moving nonfiction study, she investigates the crimes that shook Tudor and Stuart England. In doing so, she approaches her cases forensically: and what a...