Oliver Cromwell’s Protectorate - the British nations’ only foray into republicanism – receives too little popular attention. It is often referred to obliquely as the Interregnum: a failed experiment and an interruption to the otherwise smooth course of monarchical...
Fiction Book of the Month: Miranda Malins on The Puritan Princess
Miranda, The Puritan Princess was your debut novel about the Cromwell family. You're also a Trustee of the Cromwell Association. When did your interest in the Cromwells begin and what sparked it? My fascination with Oliver Cromwell and his family began as a teenager...
The Rebel Daughter, by Miranda Malins
Miranda Malins, author of The Puritan Princess, has returned to the Cromwell’s and provided a real treat: a step back in time, to the 1640s, to trace the family’s uneasy rise to power. This time, however, a different Cromwell daughter - Bridget - takes centre stage....
Hoax: The Popish Plot That Never Was, by Victor Stater
Those who have experienced disbelief in the politics of the United States over the past six years will find Hoax a fascinating read. The current acceptance of conspiracy theories – the ‘stolen’ election and a government controlled by paedophiles, to name but two – may...
Leanda de Lisle
Books Click on any of the books covers below to either buy or get more information on Amazon Articles Click on the links below to read the full article [dpdfg_filtergrid custom_query="advanced" use_taxonomy_terms="on" multiple_taxonomies="name_of_author"...
The Rebel Daughter, by Miranda Malins
Miranda Malins, author of The Puritan Princess, has returned to the Cromwell’s and provided a real treat: a step back in time, to the 1640s, to trace the family’s uneasy rise to power. This time, however, a different Cromwell daughter - Bridget - takes centre stage....
Victor Stater on Hoax: The Popish Plot That Never Was
Victor Stater, in your introduction you describe the Popish Plot as ‘preposterous’. Are we talking QAnon levels, or a more sane conspiracy theory such as the assassination of JFK? I’d say there are elements of both—the idea that Charles II might be assassinated in...
Five Favourites: Tudor Histories
What a difficult decision - to pick my five favourite of Tudor histories! I am not an avid reader but have decided to concentrate on the more modern books which have had a significant influence on my own efforts, covering the period of Mary Queen of Scots and...
The New Model Army: Agent of Revolution, by Ian Gentles
Readers of Oliver Cromwell and the New Model Army (NMA) will be familiar with the first edition of this book, The New Model Army: Agent of Revolution, published some 30 years ago. It earned the tag ‘definitive’ at the time and has remained a much valued reference ever...
Jessie Childs on the Siege of Loyalty House
The Civil Wars, despite their importance in British history, tend to be little discussed - certainly in comparison to, say, the Tudor or Victorian eras. Why do you think that is - is the conflict viewed as too complicated, or stemming from obscure religious and...