My novel, The Flood, is set in 2,700 B.C., in the Sumerian city-state of Uruk. I wanted to focus on the stage of urban development in which cities, aided by the invention of writing, start producing new technology and culture at an accelerated rate. New professions...
African History
Liberating Libya
Writing history in a post-feminist era, when readers are especially alert to issues of social and racial justice, requires a sensitive approach to modern opinions. Authors today have to accept that many influential academics are highly critical of government authority...
Empire and Jihad, by Neil Faulkner
It seems fitting given recent events, to examine the history of jihad in Northeast Africa through the lens of western interventionism. As Warren Dockter, author of Churchill and the Islamic World, puts it: Empire and Jihad is a ‘sobering bridge’ between British...
Liberating Libya, by Rupert Wieloch
Rupert Wieloch’s new book, Liberating Libya, colourfully charts the relatively underknown history of Libya and its relationship with Britain. Bringing to bear the author’s full foreign policy expertise, personal knowledge of Libya and extensive research, it is a...